Select School:
Sunset Strip
Pembroke Pines

Website Picture Release

We would like to display picture(s) of your child, along with other children in the school during school activities, on our website. In order for your child’s photo to appear on the website, we ask your permission as follows:

    Name of photo participant:

    I am the parent or legal guardian of the student named above. I hereby give permission for my child, the participant named above to be photographed (with or without classmates in a particular picture) for the purpose of posting the photograph(s) on the Nob Hill Academy website for the informational purposes and as a parent portal for parents to view pictures of special activities.

    I understand and give permission for my child’s photograph to be posted on the school’s website.

    No , I do not give permission for my child's picture to appear on the Nob HillAcademy website.